Quick back story. My ex-roommate bought a Nile monitor without doing any research what so ever. Thinking it would be a cool pet to have. And im talking almost 2 years ago now. He got him when he was maybe a couple of weeks old. He wants him to keep at a 'primal level' because that is what he connects with. When they first moved in and got him they never once cleaned out his terrarium. until he had to be transferred to a bigger one. and don't get me started on the water dish. I have been taking care of him since November of last year since they moved out. they left him with my roommates and myself because they figured it would be cheaper care in the long run. they are planning a trip that they are gonna be on for a few short months, and the only thing that they have really done to help this lizard is help me transfer him so that we could clean out his cage. The only research that they have seem to have done is interaction with the poor big man. And knowing that they might not actually keep him after the 2 year mark (being almost fully grown). I want to try and find an actual home for him that can properly take care of him. I know I am not taking the best care of him but it's better than what they had him in. I want to find someone that will make him happy. Legal wise I know he now belongs to me because I have been taking care of him since November and once they are on their trip I should be able to legally re-home him. would anyone be able to help me find out if this might be possible? He surpisingly does not hiss to much when he's picked up but does thrash around and bites. and when he is placed in a diffrent spot to hold him he calms down rather quickly. The temps are wrong, we are using a mulch/ wood chip blend, (their choice not mine). and his home isn't as big as it could be. it's not even really the quarter of the recommended size.I am mad at myself and them