In order to keep your snake in an environment where it can explore freely and have enough room in general, I would say size up. I would say a good rule of thumb is that the snake should be able to stretch fully across one side of the enclosure in order for it to be considered enough space which means a 4 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot (4x2x2, a 120 gallon) pvc enclosure would be good for your bp, this is a commonly used size and material for bp enclosures. I know people say that ball pythons are pet rocks but they really aren't (though it ultimately depends on the personality of your snake as some can be less or more adventurous), sometimes people say this because they mistake the snake sleeping in the hides (because of the fact that they are nocturnal) as them being lazy and not explorative, they explore and they even climb so giving your snake room for ground exploration and branches for arboreal exploration would be really good for him! Also while it doesn't totally matter in the care or anything, I recommend looking into figuring out if your snake really is a male because it sounds like he is pretty close to being the usual size of a female rather than a male. He could always just be a pretty large male though!
You should send some photos of your snake, we would all love to see him. Speaking of which if you send a photo of the tail end, people on the forum could probably try to figure out if he is a male or female based off of tail length and width, It's not the most accurate way to check the gender of the snake but it does usually help decipher it.