Quote Originally Posted by gdawgs56 View Post
Also, so far Blue (cliche name i know haha) has been very well tempered! When i held him to move him to the enclosure the first day he wasn’t balled up at all, and slithering around exploring my arms, not fast like to escape but just seemed curious. And even amongst shed, when i took him out to check out his eyes i didn’t even get a hiss or ball at all. Just checking out my arms again haha. Super happy with him! Now just to get him to eat after he sheds to ease my mind. (i tend to worry about my babies too much haha)
That's awesome! My Monty acts the same exact way. Never an ounce of aggression towards me....not once. Isn't it great? Oh, and the name (Blue) is actually clever, IMO. A Lucy is actually what I'm shopping for right now.

Congrats! He's beautiful!