Title pretty much says it all. Husband and I are going to be starting a family and I want to know what precautions I need to take above and beyond regular good hygiene (washing with soap and water, etc.).

I will be going in for an appointment with an OB/GYN soon and I'm sure she'll tell me to get rid of all of my animals as a precaution when she finds out what I have. I'm also sure my non-reptile-friendly family will be crying for the same once they find out we are expecting.

I know there are people in the herp community that have kept collections while pregnant safely and that is what I intend to do. I *may* have to sell off a couple of my higher maintenance animals due to time issues once the baby arrives, but my primary concern now is disease transfer, etc.

My plan, as of now, is to wear gloves for all maintenance and to wear a dust mask (the kind dental hygienists ear) when working on my roach colony, cleaning my pet birds, etc. But I'd appreciate any input people that have been in this situation have.

As always, thanks everyone for your time and assistance!