So, on Facebook, from time to time, I get seemingly random Friend Requests. They are not friends or friends of friends. They are just random people from other parts of the country or world. At first I thought maybe it's someone thinking I am someone else. But when I look at the other friends on their profile to see if maybe I know someone, they all appear to be random people.

So does anyone here do this? Would anyone even accept a random Friend?

It's not like FB is Xbox Live. FB is for real friends and family to keep track of me. I would never just randomly FR someone. And I won't accept a random FR. Heck, there are friends of friends I have turned down simply because I didn't know them well enough. I have to make sure 100% who someone is before I put them on my Friend list.

I think if you use FB for it's intended purpose, you're playing with fire by Friending people you don't know.

Am I alone in thinking this way?