Quote Originally Posted by moonlightgdess View Post
Okay, I didn't want to nit pick... but I seriously can't help myself. I cruised this person's website.



Apostrophe "S" is NOT PLURAL! It's POSSESSIVE! If you don't know that, have someone else proofread for you. I have a really hard time taking anyone seriously if your website isn't correct, regardless of whether or not you're a jerk on here.

So for anyone else in this business who is serious about selling their quality animals, please have someone proofread your site. Please. Or intellectual snobs like myself will just be turned off.

Oh, and keep up to date information (not you HCC, but others). Nothing I hate more than going to a BP seller's (see what I did there? It belongs to the seller, hence the apostrophe) website and seeing info about their "just hatched 2010 babies".

imperfect grammar is excusable, infringing another's copyrighted property is not. that combined with HCC's hostile demeanor are the issues here, not the proper use of punctuation.

I hate to see English maligned as much as the next person, but I've seen spelling and grammar errors on almost every website I've visited, including those whose names I trust. I wouldn't let that be a determining factor for you when making a purchase.