Quote Originally Posted by ice#1 View Post
not realy with the mice i get and the way they end up only 1 of each color gets moved into tank at once color usually favors the mother or at least they seem to in mine i got a bright orangeish colored one 4th liter and all her babies are same or very similar color got a few tiger stripes out of her males only keep what is needed to breed all other are feeders it's got to cage restriction size I've feed a pregnant mother or 3 off to my blood python to keep from majorily over crowding but that wont be a problem after not this next week but the fallowing wont be an issue get to go duck out a med growers shed for 1500 bucks he buys what he wants i set it all up electrical wise hard wired to his local electric code and alarm system too so going to be switching to tubs and building at least 1 mouse rack

the females at some times depending how many females i got that are ready to pop some have no choice but be a good mother deli cup with holes for air and bigger hole for water tube to go in this size i usually use for first time mothers then only 3 days at most then she and babies go in group mother tank most i keep is 4 moms in tank at all times. i've found by giving mothers a daily live treat of a meal-worm keeps all the mothers from eating others babies i got some now that was in tank with 4 mothers only 12 babies thus suckers look more like rat pup first week now got hair and starting to move around this Friday will be 2 week old literally 4 of them are close to same size as 3 week old mice only major difference these babies are fat big cause mothers fought at first and killed close to 30 babies would of been all but i got home and saw dead babies so threw a few meal-worms in to the moms and they been fine ever since.(the fighting went on while i was out of town for week-end side job) meal-worms are high in protein and for some reason it keeps females less likely to eat there young most babies i ever lost to a new mother was 1 if i see her eating the first one cause give a meal worm they gobble it down go clean themselves then off to feed the babies can almost set a clock buy it

Raptor in my communal mother tank all the females take turns feeding the babies the Dom female in my tanks usually moves all the babies into one nest as she finds the babies in bigger tanks she will move babies to other nests as she sees fit in 10 gallon tank with 7 liters she has the babies split up into 3 nests 2 on 1 end and other on other end in a big cardboard tube i gave them her litter is in there at least when she catches them all cause there not quite weanling if rember right Tuesday her and her babies will be coming out the tank and her back in with male and babies either set in new tank or frozen probably frozen. I'll admit it I'm by no means humane i stick the babies in deli cup no holes and throw them in the freezer next day dump them in a big zip-lock baggy
Actually, yes, really. My mice are capable of producing 5 and six different colors. Even with one color, it's hard to tell who's a good mother and who isn't. Additionally, communal tanks make it very hard to find out who's the cannibal unless you catch them in the act.

By the way, the orangey ones with tiger strips are brindle. I advise to remove that color due to them being prone to health issues.

Finally, use periods at the ends of your sentences. Else I'm just going to ignore what you say. Simply because I have a very hard time reading what you say and I'm having to reread everything several times over.