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    Don't Push My Buttons JLC's Avatar
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    Leopard Gecko FAQs

    1. What are the housing requirements for a baby leo?

    2. Can multiple leos be housed together?

    3. What size housing for a mature leo?

    4. What does my baby leo need to eat?

    5. Does it need any supplements? If so, what kind and how much?

    6. Do leos need supplemental heat and/or special light?

    7. Do they have a humidity requirement?

    8. Will my leo drink from a water bowl or should I mist?

    9. Help!! Its tail came off! Will it grow back?

    10. How old must a leo be before you can determine gender?

    11. How do you tell male from female?


    1. What are the housing requirements for a baby leo?

    Baby leos can be housed in relatively small enclosures—a small or medium sized kritter keeper works well with paper towels or newspaper used as substrate. There should be a hide on the warm side and a hide on the cool side of the enclosure, a shallow water dish and a small dish of calcium powder supplement for the gecko to eat as necessary. A humid hide is also necessary to aid the gecko in shedding. This can be made by placing damp paper towels in a small Tupperware container with a hole cut out for the gecko to enter through. Humid hides are best placed on the warm end of the enclosure and can substitute for the warm end hide if there is not space for both.

    2. Can multiple leos be housed together?

    Multiple juvenile leos can be housed together dependent upon the size of the enclosure. Multiple adult females can usually live together peacefully but males will fight and should not be kept together. Adult pairs that are kept together will breed, so be careful not to house leos of the opposite sex together unless breeding is your intent.

    3. What size housing for a mature leo?

    A ten gallon aquarium is suitable for a single adult leopard gecko while a 20 gallon aquarium can comfortably house 2-3 adults.

    4. What does my baby leo need to eat?

    Small crickets and/or mealworms dusted with a multivitamin—T-Rex Leopard Gecko Insect Cricket Balancer is a good choice. Mealworms can be left in a dish in the enclosure, refilling the dish every few days or as needed.

    5. Does it need any supplements? If so, what kind and how much?

    A small dish of calcium should be available to the gecko at all times—Rep-Cal’s Ultrafine Phosphorus Free Calcium with D3 supplements is a good choice. Insects should be dusted with a multivitamin supplement—T-Rex Leopard Gecko Insect Cricket Balancer is a good choice.

    6. Do leos need supplemental heat and/or special light?

    Yes, leopard geckos need to have a heat gradient in their enclosure. The warm end should be between 88-90 degrees Fahrenheit, which can be achieved with an under tank heater controlled by a thermostat or with an overhead lamp. However, they do not need UVA or UVB light.

    7. Do they have a humidity requirement?

    Leopard geckos originate from dry desert areas but they still need a certain amount of humidity in order to successfully shed. This can be achieved with the use of a humid hide which can be made by placing damp paper towels in a small Tupperware container with a hole cut out for the gecko to enter through. Humid hides are best placed on the warm end of the enclosure and can substitute for the warm end hide if there is not space for both.

    8. Will my leo drink from a water bowl or should I mist?

    Water is best supplied to leopard geckos via a shallow dish that is cleaned every few days and the water replaced.

    9. Help!! Its tail came off! Will it grow back?

    Leopard geckos do regenerate their tails, though the new tail will be shorter and more bulbous than the original tail. If your leo loses its tail move it into an enclosure by itself and keep it warm and clean until the wound heals.

    10. How old must a leo be before you can determine gender?

    Leopard geckos can be sexed at one month of age.

    11. How do you tell male from female?

    Males have enlarged pre-anal pores and hemipenal bulges.
    Last edited by mlededee; 12-29-2006 at 11:06 PM. Reason: spelling :-)

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