I bought 2 rats a couple months ago to feed the 2 (at the time, 5 now) snakes I had. I fed 1 rat to 1 of the snakes and then noticed the other rat was a girl so I kept her, then got another rat to feed the other snake the next day. A couple weeks later I bought 2 more rats and 1 of them was a girl so I kept her also. So last month I borrowed my daughters Pet Male Dumbo Rat for a week and a half to service the ladies and returned my daughters boy rat back to her.

I bought 3 new snakes at the Birmingham Repticon last weekend (1 adult and 2 babies) so I needed to feed them after they got settled in so I bought 2 more rats and 6 mice at the Pet Depot. I needed the mice for the 2 baby snakes and noticed all 6 of them were female and all looked pregnant so I fed 2 mice to the baby snakes and I'm waiting to see if any of the remaining 4 mice have babies soon. I fed 1 rat to my new Pinstripe adult I bought and when I started to feed my Pastel the other rat I noticed it was a she and she was pregnant so I put her in the tank with the other 2 rats to start a colony. Well 2 days later just before the Superbowl started that new rat gave birth to 6 baby ratties but only 3 were alive, looked like the other 3 were stillborn. I just got home from work tonight and 1 of my other 2 rats was giving birth to a litter of pups and there are at least 8 pups in that litter.

Looks like I'm on my way with the rat breeding so now I just gotta get those snakes breeding....
