Quote Originally Posted by pythonminion View Post
The little demon inside of me just wants to burn down the Everglades and be like "alright, we're done with this cesspool." No more Everglades, no more feral Burms, no more problems. But, you know, that isn't legal. ( <- Just in case some nut-job does something; I don't want to be a suspect. lol)

On topic, this looks like the bullet aimed at the head of the entire pet industry. Exotic or not, all it takes is some dumb FWS political bigots to end the pet trade. No more ball pythons; no more exotic fish, hell, no more dogs if they wanted it that way! Considering this law would also make listings void of science, they can add animals just basing their facts off of Anaconda or Snakes On A Train. Where's the accuracy here?
This definitely is a draconian law- without considering the economic and social impacts, this is just ignoring the way it effects people, or in other words, ignoring the will of the people.

Are you sure this is in the United States of America, because the last time I checked, this was supposed to be the land of the free.
I agree I see this going a lot further than exotic reptiles. It's already illegal in some states to own ferrets or hedgehogs. I can see in drastic cases where this could also hurt some negatively seen breeds such as the bully breeds. Just takes one person with a chip on their shoulder and a vendetta against a certain species. While I feel this is a huge bullseye on the larger constrictors I feel native species such as corn snakes, hog nose, kings snakes, etc..... are equally in danger. I really hope this horribly unconstitutional bill flops.