Pardon me if this is redundant...

...the wife and I started with Humphrey, our BP. That was to be it.

Then came Gopher our RTB, then we picked up Mr. Biggles at the Tucson Reptile Expo (our Colombian Boa), a yet-to-be-named Cali Kingsnake and the latest will be a 2009 Blood from Kara at we WILL top our collection off at six snakes.

We have Exo's right now but the rack we have to sit the tanks on take up considerable room as compared to some of the stackable cages I have seen. Please keep in mind with the poll that we use a natural setting in our tanks (mixed substrate for humidity, climbing vines/logs, artificial plants, etc.) so this is a given. This will carry over to the new tanks/cages. I have seen pics on here of some AP units with natural settings and they look good BUT - the one thing that doesn't sell me on AP is that they are not one piece from what I understand. Just comparing the construction between AP and say, Boaphileplastics (which are one piece construction, correct?). To sum it up we are looking for stackable cages that will contain natural settings in them, interior lighting and controlled belly heat.

Putting money aside, vote for overall satisfaction - particularly quality and options.

Thanks again people!
Jeff aka mrmertz