I was wondering if anyone here owned any exotic felines. My boss has owned several exotic cats in the past, from cougars, lions, tigers (and bears, OH MY!!) and my favorite, bobcats. I am extremely interested in owning and caring for these amazing animals in the future ( not anytime soon, but that's why I'm doing my research and homework now ). So far I'm loving the idea of a triple lock-out, where I could lock the bobcat in a holding area so I can clean out her 'house' and her big play area, lock him in the house, or lock him outside in the play area. Anyone have any suggestions on an outdoor set up, decor, and hand-raising/ human interaction tid-bits to share?

I have already talked some of this over with my boss (she's kept bobcats before) but I'm always out looking for alternative sources of information for any animal, because as we all know, what works for one person might not work for another.