I admit, that I have not ridden in a few years. Unless you call being ponied around a pasture, riding! lol.. Well, big problem is that our mares are herdbound. So one of our mares is going off for training this summer at a farm with actual facilities that we lack here; arenas, etc. So, it will be just me and my more docile mare for the summer.
Mark my husband rides her with a halter and leadropes. She is pretty responsive and dependable. Now I plan on buying a dressage saddle with my Eco Stimulus check.. I like the feel of these saddles and this is what I learned from in the past. Cuesta was trained in a hackamore and is not that keen on bits, so I plan on buying a bosal and mecate reins also.
Now what would you suggest for me to begin with? I was thinking, just some basic patterns at the walk and maybe trot, and then getting my friend out here to lunge me while I work on my seat, which I really don't know what to expect from. Last time I rode was western, in 2005, and I have not sat an english saddle in over 10 years! I do have a western saddle here but it is very old and I dislike its metal horn, which actually ribbed my friend in the ribs years ago when it was her saddle and her horse bucked!
Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated! I am more after not only what exercises will help me; I also want to get my mare (a pasture pet for now) back into the swing of riding gradually too.