Ok, any of you who know ANYTHING about TB snakes will be very confused by the title of this thread, and although its true, Ill explain first...

Right, as with any normal beauty my TB snake ate anything and everything from my freezer, rats, mice, chicks and gerbils. A few weeks ago I fed her a live rat, mostly for the reason that I was offered one and thought it'd be good for her (let those old instincts kick in), plus it was too big for my BP. She slammed it and wolfed it down...not a prob. The next week it was back to F/T, 3 chicks as usual, scoffed em down, sorted!! Next week, 2 weaner rats...nothing. Mice? Nope! A gerbil? Nope! A rat stored and rubbed with chicks? Nope. Next week, rats again? nope! chicks, yes?!? So basically, since the live feed she'll eat chicks more than happily, but NO kind of rodent?! Is it me or is this odd?! Im not too worried, as shes still eating as many chicks as i give her, but its been several weeks and she wont touch a rodent?! Anyone know what might be going on?

Please no comments saying "u shouldnt have fed live". I realise this is what probably caused it, but it seems odd to me coz she slammed the live rat and ate it happily, no hesitation! Now she will ONLY eat chicks. WHY?! I really want to get her back onto a varied diet, so any help is much appreciated.

I really cant figure this out.
