Got a new leopard gecko three weeks ago for my son. Wasn't eating the first week or so but was eating really well recently, dubia roaches, phoenix worms, and superworms, gobbling them down as recently as yesterday morning.

Today, though, has an undeniable prolapse. Called the pet store and they recommend a warm bath for 20 minutes tonight and tomorrow morning and to bring him in tomorrow if still there.

I did the warm bath. I don't see how this would be fixed without professional intervention but crossing my fingers it will look better in the morning.

Also, someone on the forum suggested first thing I do would be to change out the substrate but I didn't listen because the pet store person picked the substrate for me and the pet store is a specialty reptile/exotic animal and they've been pretty knowledgeable. But it seems like the substrate may be what's lead to an impaction? Smh