Hey guys, my girl Persephone went from 2700 grams to 3300 grams from November to January, she shed around the first week of January and started seeming big around January 21st. However, no eggs? We would be 3 weeks overdue if that was her post-ovi shed, but if the Jan 21st swelling was her ovulation instead, then she should have shed in the last week or so and there has been nothing. However, her vent has been sucked in for weeks and she is very aggressive, stopped eating, and just sits curled on her heatpad non-stop. The last few days I noticed her back is a little ridged and I saw a post on how that usually indicates laying within 10 days? I've attached a picture, but is it even possible for a snake to not follow the typical trends or am I just very incorrect and she isn't even gravid and just thinning a bit because she's on a winter food strike?

March 1st:

Here is a pic of her January 21st, when i thought she could be ovulating: