Where do you advertise? I posted on CL and got mostly a lot of responses but of course, I got something like this today.

Justine B <dc0d3750943931c8b7f017c7efd5592a@reply.craigslist.org>
10:11 PM (52 minutes ago)

to p4xjs-64242043.

This is very inhumane. These mice have no way to protect their young and they’re in a cramped environment. You shouldn’t be promoting “feeder rats”. These mice deserve a life and a chance just like any other pet. Please do the right thing and find these mice a safe home with people who will keep them as pets. Snakes and many other animals belong in the wild and by you breeding these mice you’re supporting the breeding of snakes. There’s 1000s of homeless animals in shelters in this city. Please do not breed."

I bet she has a dog and a cat.