I went to the pet store to get ome rats, substrate, the usual things, and saw some european fire salamanders. now i really want to get some. i was wondering if there was a casre sheet someone had a link to i could read. the guy at the store said they were real easy to care for, but i want to do my reading first. i plan on setting up a 55 gal. for them. i already have one ready to be made into a home for them. a few questions i have...
would having an open water source, sort of like a small pond, be bad. would a salamander walk into it and drown? the one we handled at the store would walk off the edge of our hand, and even fell to the floor once cause of this.
the guy at the store said they need no light or heat source. i fidure this could be true, but what are the lowest temps one would want a european fire salamander to be kept in.
what other small animals can they co-exhist with?