Before i get into the actual build I wanted to show how the CHE can be regulated to a safe temperature. An unregulated CHE can run in excess of 450+ degrees f. This is way to hot to be used safely with a snake, but there is a way you can make it work inside and outside of an enclosure.
This is a picture of my 80w RHP running on full power. I use it with an on/off thermostat in my 4x2ft custom enclosure.

As you can see at the hottest part its running about 180 degrees f. Quite warm but not burning to the touch as you can hold your hand on it.
This is the CHE i use in my following design.

Once again you can see it is operating at a temperature of about 180 f. The same as the RHP pictured above.


You will need

100w Ceramic heat emitter

Light fixture

3 feet of picture hanging wire, the more malleable the better

A piece of aluminium screening roughly 14 inches in diameter

A drill with metal bit

Wire cutters or tin snips

An infrared temperature gun

A lamp dimmer

A thermostat ( i used an on/ off zilla temperature controller)

The length of wire and diameter of screen will depend on the size light fixture you buy. I used an 11 in. diameter light but you could also get a 9 in or whatever else you happen to have.

1. Screw 100w heat emitter into fixture

2. Cut your aluminium screen to match the size of the light plus a little extra.

3. Cut your length of wire i would start with 3 1/2 ft and trim as needed.

4. Drill holes along the bottom of the side of the heat fixture

5. Fold the top part of the screen down and weave the picture wire through the holes you drilled and through the folded over screen.

6. Once you have woven the length of the wire through all the holes twist the two ends together and shove them through a hole. You may need pliers to push the twisted wire through.

This is what the bottom looks like completed.

This is the wiring setup. I plugged the light fixture into the lamp dimmer set on the lowest setting and then plugged the lamp dimmer into the thermostat.

This is the finish product running at around 170f.

You can also use this combination on top of a screen lid as well you just need the lamp dimmer and the thermostat.

Happy DIYing