I have a w/c Yellow Rat Snake, which was caught as a tiny guy, just past the hatchling stage. I know, I know; if I knew then what I know now, I would not have kept him and released him immediately back into the wild, but it is too late now. Anyway, he is now 11 months old, about 3 ft long, maybe longer, and looks very thick and healthy. However, after having a great appetite all his life, even though he would only accept small feeders (mouse pinkies and fuzzies), he now doesn't seem at all interested. Actually he SEEMS interested, he just doesn't follow through with it. I had been feeding him fuzzies for a couple months, 4 sometimes more at a time and he seemed content with this. Then I decided to "graduate" him to hoppers, since he is definitely the right size for them. He ate one, but refused them after that. Then he refused fuzzies and would only eat pinkies. Now, he won't them. I have tried rat pinks, also. That didn't go over at all. He likes his mice. Anyway, I thought rat snakes were low maintenance eaters. I have 12 BPs and never had a problem with any of them as I have had with him. It has been 3 weeks now that he has not eaten. BTW, he has been on F/T for most of his life. Please, what should I do to get my little guy to eat?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.