Quote Originally Posted by HVani View Post
It's all gonna depend on the individual dog. My personal dogs have been terriers. Very smart but very stubborn and can be difficult to train.

Dogs I have worked with have been all over the map. Some just don't get it, while others get it after a couple repetitions. You just need to practice. And not just in class, outside, inside, at your house, someone else's house ect. Dogs are not great at generalizing. They may know sit really well at home but while at the pet store they look at you like they have never heard the word before.

Potty Training I would say about 2 weeks, your pup should have it. As long as you have frequent potty breaks. They just can't hold it very long.

Stuff you learn in class is typically things like, Sit, Down, Stay, Leave It, Recall, Wait, Loose Leash Walking, How to greet people, Stuff like that.
Some classes teach a few extras like Stand, Go to your Place, Touch (I love this game, it helps dogs learn hands are fun. I use it when we are having to wait somewhere. My dog loves to be moving so we play Touch).
What is your experience with labs? Are they faster learners or a bit on the slow side overall?

Can they start being potty trained at 7-8 weeks of age or is it still young?

Ughhh, I'm getting really excited now haha