Quote Originally Posted by KMG View Post
So that's ambient? Why the big drop?

What is the uth set to?

My hoggy was a pain and still refuses frozen. I found mine wanted a uth and a tad higher temp than I was providing. Once things were a bit warmer it started gobbling up live pinks without a problem.

I would recommend getting the ambient to stay around 85 without letting it drop under 80 at any time. Then I would get the uth to 86-90.
UTH is set to the highest, because of the big drop. The room just drops like that at night, the rest of the snakes are in a different part of the room where it doesn't drop so far. I thought he'd be ok because of his heater. I am going to also switch him to a shoebox tote, maybe he's stressed being in the vivarium with the clear sides. That should help his heat as well. THank you!