I went to feed Artemas and Kalypso tonight and when I lifted Kalypso's hide I found that she has passed away overnight. I am at a loss. The only snake I ever lost in my collection was a big old female that passed of old age. I don't understand what I did wrong. All temps were controlled by thermostat at appropriate levels. I was having a very hard time getting her to eat. I received her October 15th and she had refused (October 20th, October 26th, October 29th: struck at food, but left it) to eat up until last week (November 6th) when she ate a live mouse pup. I don't have access to live rat pups here and she refused frozen. I feel like her death was attributed to her eating problems. I should've emailed her breeder earlier to voice my concerns. I emailed him anyways, but don't expect anything from him as its been nearly 4 weeks. I'm heartbroken. I just don't know if it was something I did wrong. She was out and about yesterday which had me hopeful that she would eat again tonight. I hadn't handled her since earlier in the week, but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. She did have a wobble.

Artemas is healthy and ate two live mouse hoppers tonight. I never had a problem with him eating. I guess I can't find an answer unless I took her to have a necropsy performed. As I am getting knee surgery tomorrow I don't think this will be an option. So sad. She was my first morph female :*(