submit that tounge shot in rotm!!
Thanks for the good idea but I've already submitted a Tokay Gecko for

great pics, It looks like your beauty is settling in nicely, I hope she settles down on the striking for ya.
Thanks Rusty, me too. She can get those teeth through my thick work gloves sometimes.

Didn't they recently change the scientific name of the corn because it has little to do with the eastern family but shares the name?
Not that I'm aware of.

Hey Marcus, whenever you decide to get male for Cassandra let me know. I'll have my friend hook you up.
Thanks Danny. I'll keep that in mind. I might take you up on that later on down the road.

I've heard those Beauties can be nasty-tempered
I read that they should tame easily. I'll let ya know! She's pretty feisty right now. I'm hoping by summer to have her settled down. If not, oh well. I'm still crazy about her.

Thanks again everyone!