When checking weather for shipping, how much mind do you pay to the high temps? The place I am shipping FROM next week will have a high of 93 and a low of 71 on Tuesday (the day the snake leaves). The place I am shipping TO will have a high of 94 and a low of 72 on Wednesday (the day the snake arrives). Of course this is overnight shipping so the animal won't really be exposed to the high temp because it'll leave here at 8pm (or so) in the evening and arrive there first thing in the morning.

Should I hold off shipping until the highs are going to be under the 90 mark?

Also, do you guys use a heat pack when the lows are going to be around 65 but the highs are going to be around 90? Seems like if you did, maybe you could activate one 30 hours or so before you shipped so it's sort of at the end of its life when it goes in with the snake? That way it doesn't overheat.

If you can't tell...I'm soo nervous about shipping! I know it's done all the time, but I am just so worried I'm going to mess it up.
