I would like an area where I can view resent threads from the subforums I choose. This idea came when I forgot about the "quarantine subforum" and when I noticed it again, I realize I missed out on a few good topics. I would of liked to add quarantine to my resent threads page on the home page (yes I realize the reason its not, would be a nice option tho) but then I thought, why not make the whole thing customizable?

now I have a few ideas....first would be just use the "resent thread" area on the home page and make it customizable where I only see posts from the subforums I choose, for me it would be the all the ball python subforums, python general, Morelia, and DIY and caging subforums mostly, so I would only see resent topics from those subforums. not the whole site.

my next idea would be to leave the home page alone and make a separate tab up top (where it says home, forum, gallery, blogs, ect..) and have it called "my favorites" or something (im sure you can come up with a better name) and use the same idea as above, customized resent threads.

Now this one I just thought of and I think I would like this the best, again have a separate page, and have a customized resents threads, but organize them according to subforum. for example... say all I have is Ball python general, python general, and DIY.

It would display all the Unviewed threads Ball python general, then all the Unviewed threads from python general, then all the DIY Unviewed threads. Like the ones that appear in bold when you check out a subforum


Display only the first page of each subforum choosen, so
It would display all the page 1 Ball python general, then all the page 1 from python general, then all the DIY page 1 threads threads. maybe to conserve screen space only do half of page 1 for each of them?

mayb have the option of doing any of them and choosing how the user would want to set it up.

The whole point of this would be for faster browsing through the forums and less topics missed. theres days I spend hours on here, but sometime I barly get 10 minutes on the computer total just between work and other real life stuff. so there been topics ive missed or could of answered sooner. and if you don't like this idea, you by no means have to use any of it, you can just use the forum as you have been.

Im just spouting out ideas, what you guys think? and is this even possible to implement?