Quote Originally Posted by kitedemon View Post
As for zooms basically you get what you pay for. Expensive zooms are great through the range all apertures and focal lengths, Cheaper ones are designed around a single point then bridged to the rest they usually will have a 'sweet spot' where they are really good then as you get farther away from it not so good. Again I have no direct experience with this lens so no comment on that one exactly. I am a bit biased (and a bit old school) I don't use any zooms professionally I have a prime kit, 8mm to 300mm the slowest lens I own is a 2.8 and the fastest a 1.2.

I always recommend the standard 50mm it is fast and sharp and for 150$ hard to match I love the length for fashion I keep an old half frame camera just to use it.
Wow have to say the full frame/half frame camera thing just went right over my head but I think if it was in my terms your basically saying that the full frame lens will work on both a half frame and full frame but not the other way around? I will trust you and just go with the one you have worked with.

I have to say that I wish I could just get a kit now instead of picking it all out myself since I'm really confused now. Yet since I have to pick my lenses out myself......Say the standard 50mm lens you talked about does it make the camera basically a point and shoot? I'm going to try and explain what I mean better. Say your taking a picture of a bird house in your yard it's 15ft away you snap a picture and it looks 15ft away and you get half the yard? Or you can take a picture of that same object from the same distance away and you get basically just the birdhouse less yard?