And not just ANY chickens.. heheehhe
I have ex-show chickens from 4H, a local family's son had outgrown showing fowl at the county fair so I got some of their hens.
Before that I had gotten a red/brown hen general egglayer type perhaps a Red Star or Red sex link.. and a free bantam rooster.
I have a Silver lace Wyandotte, a black giant cochin, and a possible barnevelder cross hen.
I just got some polish bantams, a blue splash, white splash and golden lace frizzle polish all hens, but still chicks.
I will get pics of them soon.

Here are the hens and their rooster.

Black Cochin hen- Nell (for nell carter)
Wyandotte hen- Tammy Wyan (dotte or nette) LOL
Possible Barnevelder - J-LO ( for the brown honey and badonk a donk hinny)
Red Star/Rhode Island red hen- Washu
and the bantam - Tenchi
Anime references. LOL