Alright, so I do have one question before becoming an iguana owner...

People with experience: How would you define the temperament of an iguana?

I have gotten many mixed answers. I'd talked to my vet the last time I was there about this, and he said he'd seen one rather large male iguana that was completely smitten with his female owner, and open to meeting new people. But, he also said there were a few others (a mix between males and females) that were seemingly rather aggressive.

I've my heart set on a female. I've already met her, handled her, and talked about her personality with her current owner/handler, and she is fairly laid back. She is also very young (less than one year), however, and I've read and heard that personality can change drastically as they age.

What are my chances of getting a complete tyrant, or a some-what-easy-to-handle sweetie?

Sorry for making two posts so quickly! I just thought two seperate posts would make it easier for people wanting to answer what they are educated about, rather than have to skim a long post trying to find something they want to reply to. Thanks!