This is Dave. Abused for years by two different owners, he's been starved. I've taken him in and have been treating him as best as I can and he started shedding. I was using a damp cloth and I had wrapped it around him to help him get shed off easier. I've noticed his scales were very loose but I thought that was because of the shedding, but they're still loose. They're so loose and weak, it tore. This wasn't the first time. A mouse bit him and it tore but it was only a little and I cleansed it. It hasn't healed and it's been a weak.

Just now part of his neck has split open. The vet isn't open and I don't know if we can get an appointment tomorrow.

I don't know what to do. I didn't know their scales could weaken and do this. Should I use my dilated antiseptic? Please, I just want him to live. I wanted him to live for a couple years in a happy place where he had lots of food and a clean cage. He's eight or ten years old and I don't want it to end now.

I don't know what to even look up for this... and my mom doesn't seem to care. Is there anything I can do?