Our rat colony is slowly growing. We have the following...

-Sasha, agouti berk (agouti with white belly), almost 3 months old.
-Kanji, cream hood, almost 2 months old.
-Two males that we picked up from a friend. I haven't seen them yet so I am unsure of their colors. They are estimated to be around 8-9 months old.
-Blue male we picked up yesterday.

We were picking up feeders yesterday and the guy through in this adorable blue male rat that looked to be around 5-6 weeks old. I had to have him and told the guy to find me another feeder. He hasn't bit me yet and is so far very sweet. (Kanji and Sasha are terrible biters and are highly aggressive. We are not sure why). He needs and name and so do the two males. Pictures to come as soon as I get batteries for my camera.

Oh and I am finally starting to move everyone over to actual rat cages rather than tanks. Sasha and Kanji will be sharing a cage, the two males I got from a friend will share a cage, and the blue will be getting a friend soon (he's in QT along with the two males, seperate enclosures of course) and will be sharing a cage with the new friend. I am finding that with Sasha (who is currently in a well ventilated rat cage, that the smell has gone way down (hardly there). It is easier to clean (you just unclip the wire top from the metal bottom, empty the bottom, scrub it down and replace.)

I do have a few questions about the wire cages though. They have little levels (wide enough for a rat to sit or lay comfortably on) and ladders. These levels and ladders are made of wire and I'm worried for Sasha's feet. I was thinking of taking some old socks or cloth and making little covers for the levels and ladders so she doesn't hurt her feet. And every time I clean cages I could just throw the covers into the wash. Also, what about babies? The wire spacing is small enough not to let weans and up out, but what about babies smaller than that? I guess I'll have to get a picture.