Quote Originally Posted by caz223 View Post
If you're going to feed mice instead of harmless baby rats I'd recommend a heavy stun, and only if the snake needs to hear the heart beating to eat it.....
On occasions where I need to feed stunned mice, I put them on a stool, hold their tail to stop them from wandering too much, and 'thump' them right behind the head with my finger. You can prolly use a spoon or something like that, I've never tried it that way, though.
It may take a few tries until you get good at it. Once they are stunned, I check how stunned they are by quickly blowing a puff of air into their eyes. If that snaps them out of it, stun them again.
Beware, they usually void their bladders when stunned.....
I much prefer feeding frozen/thawed.
How does this post have anything to do with humane treatment of prey items?