Quote Originally Posted by qiksilver
don't phelsuma have rather thin skin, and if you want to handle them, there's a chance you'll tear if off. for handling i'd say tokay, because although they can be mean, from all i've read phelsuma are in no way handling sort of creature.

There is one species of day gecko that is safe to handle....and crap I've forgotten which one it is.

Anyway, the Christensen's book is the best out there for day geckos.

Tokay's can be tamed. The Christenson's also sell tamed CB tokay geckos. In fact they were the first ppl I've seen with the tame tokays.

Tame Tokay's take a bit of work. I have a couple of females which I've been working with since January. They will sit on my hand or my arm, however, that's rather dependent on mood and time of day. Holding one in a more enclosed manner still results in the open mouth look. I typically do not hold them in that manner...if I've done that it's because I've just torn the room apart after one of them ran out of the tub. I've been nipped a few times in the taming process, but at this point they don't typically break skin and they've never "chomped down and hung on".