Keep all tubs at 85 degrees. It has been my experience that Superworm beetles cannibalize their eggs/larvae: After 2 weeks separate out the beetles and place them in a new tub (all new bedding material). Maintain all tubs with food/'water' available (the eggs will hatch in 7-10 days). They also take a lot longer to mature than normal meal-worms so expect them to be small for a while.

I had many thousands of them at one point, but, I got sick of separating the pupae from adults and the entire bin swapping I just moved over to Dubias as a food source for my insectivore collection.

Oh, and don't bother looking for the eggs they aren't worth the effort (needle/haystack) to find. But, if you are determined, leave a piece of potato in the bin and DO NOT remove it no matter how funky it gets: your eggs will be in there somewhere (I recommend a compound microscope for ID).