I'm an OTR truck driver. My boyfriend takes care of our snake babies while I'm away and that's most of the time. I come home every 4 or 8 weeks approximately and then I get to be home for 4 days. But home is split between my address on record (I live in my truck.) and seeing my kids and grandbaby who live in another state. I've been "lucky" to be home for 2.5 months because I had an accident which tore my hand up. I'm getting ready to go back to work now and it is so much harder to leave after being home for so long.

This is temporary. After I've been driving long enough, I will apply to a local company that requires more experience than I have. I was about to apply for a home every weekend job when I had the accident, so I have to wait again for that position since I have an accident on my record in the last year. Very disappointing for me.

I have debt from divorce and medical issues and I'm trying to get my kids through college. My grandbaby was born with a birth defect which he needs medical care for as well, so it's really important that his immediate family get to the point where they can take care of all their needs for when I'm not around anymore.

One day, I'll be able to stay home and go back to having way too many hobbies.
