Quote Originally Posted by wolfy-hound View Post
Micheal Jackson did NOT have the resources to own a chimp. That is the reason Bubbles was eventually taken to a sanctuary, when he became too dangerous and unruly to handle, when beating and throwing him against the wall wasn't enough to intimidate him.
Think I'm exagerating? That's what Micheal testified to,w hen he gave his chimp to the sanctuary. The "trainer" beat a baby chimp to get it to behave. That's how baby chimps are controlled for commercials.
Is ANYONE equipted? Yes, certain private individuals CAN put enough money, time and effort into keeping any exotic out there. Will they? In 99% of cases, NO.
Be careful posting that on here. You are on a ball python website.

I'm going to assume that by saying "any exotic" you really only meant to say non-human primates. In that case, you probably missed my earlier post where I mentioned owning a monkey is not that uncommon where I grew up.

I'm not sure I'm clear on where you stand. Do you agree that ownership of non-human primates by private individuals should be banned? Or are you saying that banning is not necessary as long as it is strictly regulated? Or are you saying ownership of ANY exotics should be banned?

Let's say that 99% number you mentioned is accurate. So, you're saying too bad for the 1% who are able, capable, educated enough, who DO want it? You're saying Jane Goodall shouldn't be allowed to own one because Michael Jackson can't care properly for his?