Here's a new little guy that we pick up last weekend. This is Jack and he's a Red Kangaroo. His mother had kicked him out of the pouch and refused to let him come back to nurse, which is how we ended up with him! He's 6 months old and is very very affectionate. We carry him around in a home-made pouch which he absolutely loves to be in.

We keep a halter on him just for visits outside to go potty, and he only wears the diapers at night to keep from having accidents in his pouch. He still eats about 150 mL of simulated kangaroo milk every three hours during the day, and once in the middle of the night. But other than that he's a pretty low maintenance guy. He goes with me to my classes and to work, and once he hits the 14-16 month mark we will start transitioning him to living outside with our other female roo and wallabies. Please excuse the unmade bed!

It looks like he has demon eyes in this pic.