Have you ever looked up at a nearly full moon as thin clouds passed in front of your view some times the clouds will be thin enough to let the moon light pass through and allow you to see texture in the cloud while its dark out?

You know, it kinda looks like,

(once again, its wider the allowed here, so I linked to it)

This one required a little more then just taking a single shot. I had to take two shots, one a long exposure to get the clouds and another really quick exposure to get the moon. The trick is to blend them together because the long exposure blew out the moon (highlights) and the short exposure did not get anything but the high lights (the moon) So using photo shop I made a layer mask, blending the two images together that give a more realistic view of what I seen with my own eyes.
First real attempt trying this and the moon is still a bit over exposed, but I guess its a start

Hope you enjoy, and BTW, the moon is full in this image and was shot on the day we had a Perigee moon, on the 10th of january