So a while back I had some issues with some crested geckos that I got from a pet store in town. I went back and he said he'd give me another crested gecko or I could another animal. Against my better judgement I got another crested gecko. A little tan dalmation with really pretty eyes. I didn't think he would survive, but I brought him home anyway and set him up in a small critter keeper.

Well I've noticed a big difference in this gecko. Our first crested gecko never grew. He stayed the same size for a really long time and I don't think he ate very often. THIS gecko is an eating machine. While the first gecko didn't poop much, this one eats and poops like there is no tomorrow. He also fires up really nice. And he has GROWN. He's doubled in size and loves his crickets. (which he get's once a week). We actually just moved him into a large critter keeper. It seems a bit big for him, but we are going to monitor him to make sure he's eating and if he shows signs of not eating, we are going to move him down a size. Oh and his name is Chomper, but we don't know if he is a he, or a she.

Pictures to come when I find my camera.