i see where you are all coming from but i just loose track of all the different morphs that to me look the same and produce the same supers so i think some kind of amalgamation with the original should take place. Sure the sulphur comes from an unrelated animal to the original fire but if it is so similar (to me the same but i am not that clued up on royals so am only giving my opinion all be it a totally amateur one) then surely linking it to the first proven morph name would make sense. I dont wanna upset the founders of the sulphur etc but surely if you have proven a morph that has already been done , how can you justify calling it something completly new ? I just think it is trying to make a name for ones self (and there is no harm doing this as i would love the oportunity myself) from something that has already been done . I would prefer for the lines to be named or even linked to the original say for example a sulphur fire or ember fire so as they can be told apart according to their lines .The way i see it is if i get some royals from a shipment out of africa and breed two normal looking animals and get say an albino . Then cos it isnt related to anyone elses , i get the chance to call it something else like a cladiscope royal ?? I dont see how someone can call something a new morph or name just cos it doesnt come from the same original animal as somebody elses . Surely the fire/ember/sulphur gene could well be the same gene (as it is a very variable gene and i aint saying anyone elses is better than the others here) and could ,or in my opinion most certainly does ,come from the very same locality in africa where this gene has mutated .

sorry if this undermines anyones efforts as this isnt my intention , i just felt i would express my opinion .

