Hey there.

I'm just gonna kill people with questions here!

I know a very small part of my little guy's diet is pellets - I believe they said 1/4 a cup a day... what kind of pellets do you guys feed your rabbits? Which is the best kind of brand... I got an idea of the nutritional values I should be looking for - but I was wondering what kind of brands you guys feed.

He also gets at least 2 cups of veggies a day - with many different kinds. Is it bad to give him too many veggies? I give him some lettuce, broccoli or parsley whenever he doesn't have any in his cage (he gets other veggies as well in the morning and at night but those are his anytime veggies) and I give him as much Timothy hay as he wants.

I tried to give him a banana slice as a treat but he wanted nothing to do with it. I gave him a little piece of dried apple as a treat and he did seem to like that.

Also, what kind of litters do you use? I currently have carefresh in there because I heard that was safe - but I keep seeing him nibble at it (though he usually nibbles at the timothy hay he has in there.)

Thanks for the help!