well I just got my first "bite" today and all it did was remind me why I hate cats... Its feeding day I pre-scented the room and by now my little guy knows his feeding schedual. When I went back to take him out and feed him sepreatly I seen he was already looking around his tank for Mr. Mousie-Face. i reached in to grab him and I noticed he was in the 'S' shape but I didn't think he could confuse my hand with a mouse, after all I am bigger right? Anyway he struck at me and I could feel the bite but he immediatly let go, I gave him a stern "No!" (as if he heard me) then decided to just drop the mouse in. No bite marks blood or anything (unlike a cat attack) and I know where the snake was comming from he thought I was a mouse (unlike a cat which does it for the fun of it). So im now in the bite club, I guess, and ball pythons are still better than cats!