Ok, so i have a female hognose, about a year old, maybe a little older. She ate something bad a few months ago and recouped just fine but i have noticed she seems swollen in the last 2/3 of her body compared to my other hogs. she has grown since she had the bad encounter of the eaten kind, but i just want to double check and see if it's a possibility gastrous problems could ocure or be consistant over several months without any debilitating affects. She eats great, still active, still moves the very tip of her tail, no major lethargy, just feels bloated (almost like she is gravid but she is too young to breed).
Also, never had this happen with any of my others, but could it be her getting mature? Maybe she is getting her little snake time of the month? She seems fine, but i always like to make sure, regardless, especially if it's common.