I'm taking the little joey out a couple nights a week while the other gliders are eating so he can get used to being handled. So far he has done really well! I carry him around in one of the 2 blankets that are in the gliders sleeping pouch so he has a familiar smell around. He goes right to sleep one I get him tucked into my shirt! He is sleeping in there right now

flash... too.. bright!!

I'm so glad he is not a crabber like his sister! She still cries to this day when I take her out, if anything bothers her you will not hear the end of it! This little guy and Moofy never make a peep!

And on a more serious note, due to some recent questions I've been asked about gliders I feel I need to say something.. These animals are NOT easy to care for. They need to be housed in pairs, they require large-secure cages, many of the recommended diets for gliders must be hand made at home, and they WILL pee and poop when ever and where ever they please - there is no such thing as a "potty trained" glider. They are messy animals! They take a lot of time to care for, and there is a lot of research to be done BEFORE you even consider buying them. After you understand the basics about these animals, they are very fun to keep, but they do require a lot of time and effort on the owners part. They are wild animals - if you want something that is easy to care for get a cat, or a snake