ok I have a cat issue I dont quite know what to do with. actually 2 now that I think about it.

1 we have cats with hair clumpies and dont know what to do about it other than shaving them off, and I dont want to do that. cant use a brush either, cause they eat the brushes...literally eat!
I used to just clip them off as they came, before it got too bad, but the past few months have been so horrendous for me that I havent been able to keep with it, and now, bad clumpies. any advice?

2 I have an 8 year old female, spayed, in excellent health....but the past few months has begun to randomly pee in our bed. dont know what could have caused, dont know why it started when it did, and dont know how to make her stop.

we thought she was complaining about the litterbox, so we became pretty fastidious about keepine it clean. didnt work. I have no idea what to do with her. she's been doing it for several months now, and I dont want to have to banish her from the bedroom cause that will also banish my other 2. anyone have any advice? (am taking her to the vet once my SO gets paid (hopefully next week)