hi, i'm trying to get my set up right so i can get a brb. i want to know what the owners of brb's recommend. what do you use for substrate, heat, whats your humidity, what size enclosure (for a baby), etc?

i've been doing a lot of research and have been reading over this forum a lot. i have a corn snake, which pretty much summarizes my snake experience, but i have other reptiles that are all thriving. i know brb's have strict requirements so i'm trying to get it all ready and stable now for when i go to the show in September.

any info you can give me now, mostly husbandry, would be greatly appreciated. i don't mind putting out the money to get this set up right, within reason (i can't afford a $200 helix thermostat). pictures of your set ups would be great, i love looking at other people's viv's, just like you love sharing them ;-)

Thanks again.
