Ok, so, went to give my little meal worms some new taters, and when I turned them over, the potatoes were covered in these tiny little white bugs. Very small. So, I cut off the ends and continue to check all of the taters, when I see a pile of them under one in the corner. I spoon out some meal, and it's like the entirety is swarming with these microscopic bugs! They make the meal move like it's alive.

I turn over another potato, and my little superworm is curled up with these things all over him.

I tried to take some pics, but the batteries were dying, and I didn't have very good light.

They are really really small little white things on his body, what the heck are they and what do I do?! Should I just throw away the whole tub?

I can take more later when the batteries are fresh, but that will be later tonight.