Okay. this is gonna be a long one. I have read that to breed and sell balls you have to get a LLC license from the courthouse, and also save all receipts for whatever you spent for the snakes, substrate, feeders, etc. I have 10 08 normals. my plan was to buy babies, get used to caring for them over the three years that im gonna wait to breed. here come the questions.

1. Should i get a license now, or when i actually start breeding my babies?
2. I read that since it would be my business, that the things i buy to support said business would be considered tax-writeoffs. True or False?
3. Should i start saving receipts for the things i need for them or have already bought (i.e. shelving, tubs, feeders, substrate, heat cable, etc.) and claim them on next years taxes?
4. Are the snakes themselves a tax-writeoff?

i know its a lot of questions, but everywhere else i've looked, not that much info. this is the fountain of herp-related info, and the business aspect is still a tad confusing to me. im gonna say thank you in advance for ANY info you guys give. you guys ROCK.