Quote Originally Posted by dsirkle View Post
Unless you get lucky (you may well get by with a little help from your friends) there is a National mealworm shortage going on and they wont be available for a couple of months. You may have to choose between superworms or crickets until then. I am glad that I have a 15qt mealworm farm going. I have been breeding 1.2 shtctb leos this year. One female has layed only infertile eggs. The other has only layed only 3 good eggs so far. One has hatched and 2 are in the incubator. I understand that you shouldn't expect much out of a female in the 1st year of egg production. I have a large blizzard female that I have considered getting a male to go with also. I like your choices of sunglow and blizzard, both nice to look at.

We got 1000 at the show today. Started the mealworm farm. From what I hear though mealworms will be back in stock in the next few weeks. These Leos are pretty damn cool!