Hi everyone, my name is Shane and I run a software company in Tampa, FL.

I currently do not have any snakes but do have one lab created water frog that was completely see through for the first year (I'll find out the official name and post it later with a pic). My wife teaches Kindergarten and ordered it from some company that breeds them so kids can see their organs working without having to kill or dissect them. It was actually pretty cool but the skin clouds up after a year or so. It's still somewhat translucent, but not completely see through anymore. He serenade's us for hours every night.

I've had several "starter" snakes and used to catch garter snakes, etc...when I lived in upstate NY but my last "real" one was a Brazilian Red Tail about 12 yrs ago named Tiela. I moved when she was about 5 yrs old and circumstances prevented me from bringing her. Happy ending to the story though as my friend still has her today and she is a healthy 7+ ft. long and doing great (at over 15 yrs old). I also had a Water dragon named Poster Nutbag (anyone listen to Phish? ) around the same time period.

I am currently looking to purchase a Columbian Red Tail within the next 2 weeks. There are several reasons I chose the Columbian, some of which being: colors/pattern/cost/memories/comparative temperament.

It's been so long since I've had a snake I'm treating myself as a NuB and starting from the beginning with education. I have read quite a bit over the past few weeks and plan on continuing to do so until I feel comfortable enough to make my purchase with the snakes safety and well being in mind. More so than my unnerving desire to pull the trigger and "get it now"....haha

OK, sorry everyone, I've turned my simple introduction into "The Life and Times of Shane, 3 part mini-series"... lol

Anyway, hope to learn lots and be an active, contributing member to your little sub-society!! Thanks for listening!